The sad story of a scammed bride 2019

Our story with our scammed bride will continue today. Since 2015 our scammed bride has been in a relationship with a Moroccan man who has shown several red flags that she has refused to look at. Throughout the years our scammed bride communicated with this man through emails and messages. Despite him disappearing from time …

Interview with a Moroccan American

Last week I posted an article about an interview with a Moroccan man. Through a series of questions we were able to see that the man was a scammer. He was basically looking for women to either help him to leave the country or provide him with money. His intentions were clear. I was fortunate …

Interview with a Moroccan 1

Over the past few weeks, I have been speaking with a few Moroccans who let me conduct interviews with them. The original idea was to get tips on how to speak Darija but the interview quickly moved towards life and relationships. Over the next few weeks, I will share these interviews. With each interview with …

Dealing with a scammer

I’ve seen a few comments over the past few months when it comes to dealing with a scammer. More specifically it seems a lot of people seem to be caught up with the romance scam in Morocco. For those of you who haven’t read my article on avoiding the scammers should check it out here. …