Although Morocco is my favorite country, there are a lot of scams you need to be aware of when you are in the country. I’ve been visiting Morocco for more than 7 years and I have seen a lot of different scams. Today I would like to focus on the Moroccan romance scam. I have a lot of experience with this subject, both with myself and hearing stories from others.
I’m going to try to provide as much detail as possible so you can avoid becoming a victim. This may create some fears, especially if you are currently in a relationship. I want to assure you that after meeting hundreds of Moroccans over the years, most Moroccans are not scammers, they are very nice, polite, decent people. The people I’ll speak about here is a very small percentage of the entire country.
If you’re unaware of relationship scams, I’ll explain the typical scam you’d generally encounter and how it works in Morocco. The scam goes as follows. Someone will message you online, either Facebook, some online dating site or even email. The means of contacting you can vary as there are so many social media platforms to choose from now. The message will usually be that they find you attractive and would like to get to know you better. The targets are typically people not in a relationship, mostly divorced or widowed with kids. At this point 2 things will happen; they will declare their love for you, then a financial issue will arise and you’ll be asked for money. These things may happen the other way around as well. Once the initial money gets sent, it will be one crisis after another. That is the relationship scam in a nutshell.
The Moroccan romance scam is similar but a bit different. In the typical romance scam, the scammer has no intention of ever meeting or even marrying the target. In Morocco, the purpose of the scam is to actually get married. These scammers want to leave Morocco to have “a better life”, and they choose to marry a foreigner to do this. While this in itself is not a scam, the intention of the scammer is to leave the target once in the foreign country. From speaking with people who have been through this scam, the typical excuses are:
- The relationship is not the same as before
- Life in a foreign country is different/harder than Morocco
- The language barrier is too great
- The culture/religion between the married couple is too different
No matter what the excuse, the scammer has no intention (at least initially), to leave a foreign country. In the end, the scammer accomplishes their goal and the target is left broken-hearted.

Some variations of the Moroccan romance scam is to have the target send money while the scammer is in Morocco waiting to get married and get the visa. Another variation is the scammer claims to want marriage but the process runs into problems. Some of these problems may be that the time to travel to Morocco is always a bad time or the scammer will not explain the steps of getting married, so the target comes unprepared and is unable to complete the marriage process. In these situations, the intention is always to collect money. The scammer will refer to the target as their spouse to create feelings of intimacy, even though this is not true. Now that we have defined the Moroccan romance scam, let’s go into detail on how to identify the scam.

Whether you’re a man or a woman, the Moroccan romance scam can happen to either of you. While women may say this scam happens to them much more than men, this does happen to all people. I’ll list some red flags to be aware of for both sexes
Moroccan romance scam by gender
- Different religions – While non-Muslim women have a bit of leeway when it comes to this subject, Muslim women can only marry Muslim men. Morocco is a Muslim country, so chances are the woman you are speaking to is a Muslim. If you have no intention of becoming Muslim and your Moroccan girlfriend does not think that this is important, you need to watch out.
- No contacts in Morocco – Scammers work best when you’re all alone. This way, no one can help you see through their facade. Now, if you’re making friends that are female, every Moroccan woman will be jealous. If you have a few Moroccan friends and your Moroccan girlfriend does not want you spending time with them or even contacting them, you need to watch out.
- Expecting a big mahr– A mahr is pretty much like a dowry that is sent to the bride. While this is mandatory, the scammers will claim it is a huge amount. I didn’t know anything about this until I asked my friend who lives in Morocco. The amount varies but usually, the high end will be around $2500. The only time it exceeds this amount is if the bride’s family is rich. My friend told me of a girl who was from an extremely rich family in Marrakech and her mahr was only $5000. Now the scammers may fight and say that they are a virgin who was never married but if they ask for more than $2500, you need to watch out.
- No plans – This one I didn’t get from talking to anyone and is just based on my personal experience. I could be wrong, but so far this idea has held up with every Moroccan woman scammer story. Normally, people have an idea of what they would like to do at least for the next year. Whether it be work, travel or going to school, they kind of know what they want to do. The scammer, when asked this question, will say “I don’t have an idea”, “I don’t plan for the future” or the famous “I will plan to start a family with you”. While this can sound really romantic and wonderful, EVERY MOROCCAN WOMAN PLANS TO START A FAMILY WITH THEIR HUSBAND. This is simply a borrowed line that they have heard before. And even if this is true, they will want to do something else while starting their family. For example, my wife wants to start a family but she also wants to be a YouTube content creator (to access her channel click here). If your girlfriend has no plans, you need to watch out.
- The relationship is a secret – I don’t know how many guys do actually do this, but for some when they have this beautiful Moroccan girlfriend they keep it secret and don’t let anyone know. What is worse is when the Moroccan girlfriend doesn’t care or think that this is very odd. If your Moroccan girlfriend doesn’t care that you’re keeping this relationship secret, you need to watch out.
- Disappears without notice – Communicating online requires a certain amount of trust. You can’t let your insecurities run wild. However, if your girlfriend is disappearing for days or weeks and just brush it off when they do return, this is a bad sign. At the very least, it’s disrespectful, especially in a relationship. In a relationship, if one person is going to be away, that person should inform the other. If your girlfriend finds this hard to do and thinks it’s not a big deal to stop talking for days or weeks, you need to watch out.
- Different religions – I know I listed this as one of the red flags for the men but since this becomes an excuse to leave the relationship, I thought it might be important to list this as something women should be aware of too.
- Women older than men – Personally, I don’t see a problem with this. Why should it matter? As long as you get along then there should be no problem, however, it’s not normal in Morocco to see a husband younger than his wife. Something more uncommon is marrying a woman who cannot or will not have children. Most Moroccan men want children and if you cannot have children, you need to watch out.
- Wanting to get married very quickly – Normally Moroccans will not take a very long time to get married. It’s normal. The problem is that in Morocco, usually the families get to know each other and find out from others who know the family if the person would be a good husband or wife. As a foreigner, you don’t have this option so a quick marriage is basically marrying someone you don’t know. Even if you spent years speaking with them online, it’s a different story when you’re with someone face to face. I have heard some crazy stories of women who have married their boyfriends after traveling to Morocco for the first time! If your boyfriend is asking you to marry him after only a few months of meeting him in person, you need to watch out,
- No wedding ceremony – This one seems strange to me. I was never a big fan of large weddings, however, my friends say this is a big thing for Moroccans. If your boyfriend isn’t insistent or even cares about a wedding, you need to watch out.
- Declaring love very early – This one is where the Moroccan man will say he loves the foreign woman within a few days, declare how he wants to marry her and provide the best life for her. The hope is that the woman is so desperate that she falls for him and makes her decisions with her emotions. If you find your Moroccan boyfriend declaring his love very early, you need to watch out.
- Not wanting children – This is part of the women older than men and is targeted to women who are much older and do not want or cannot have children. The Moroccan boyfriend will say, “I don’t care about having kids”. While I understand some people’s decision not to have kids, the problem is most Moroccan men (at least the ones I know) want children. What happens in this situation is after he comes to a foreign country, he will change his thinking and decide he wants children after all. Since this is not an option for the woman, he ends up leaving. If your Moroccan boyfriend says that he does not want children, you need to watch out.
The above points are just red flags. Just because you both have different religions doesn’t mean that your boyfriend or girlfriend is a scammer. You should be concerned if you are seeing many of these red flags. Now that we know the signs of a scammer, let’s look at the prevention of being scammed.

The most obvious prevention of the Moroccan romance scam is not to get involved with a Moroccan. But after spending so many years with Moroccans, I assure you the majority are truly wonderful people. Here are some tips to try to prevent being scammed.
- Don’t be alone – Whether it’s traveling, meeting your Moroccan partner with another friend or even video calling your family to speak with your partner, don’t keep this relationship a secret. Let people know about it. Also if people give you criticism, try not to get defensive about it. Friends and family usually try to give the advice to help you.
- Find out about the person – This is more than just speaking to them online. Speak to their family or friends. If you don’t speak Darija, then ask a Moroccan friend to accompany you. Normally when Moroccans marry, families will speak and also try to speak with neighbors and shop owners close to the families’ homes. If you have a Moroccan friend, they can help you with this. If you don’t have a Moroccan friend I would suggest hiring a private investigator.
- Don’t send any money – This should be common knowledge, but people still send money to people they just met online. If your Moroccan partner is committed to you, then not sending money should not put a strain on your relationship. After all, they were surviving before they met you. If this does cause issues in your relationship, you need to ask yourself why is this person is really marrying you and if this money issue will surface after you are married.
- Take your time – I’m not saying wait 10 years before marrying, but you shouldn’t be getting married after only a few months. And you should never marry after your first visit. Personally, if you’re in love with your partner and meeting them for the first time, this is what I suggest. Provided that everything goes well and you know from neighbors and other people that the person you want to marry is good, meet the family and let them know your intention to marry. If they are ok with this go back home and prepare for the marriage in 6 months to 1 year. During this time you should be continuing to speak to your partner and getting to know them.
Using the tips above, you should be able to filter out the scammers. Some of the experienced scammers will try to convince you to ignore the red flags. They will claim that if you love and trust someone you don’t need to worry about the signs. Unfortunately, these are the ones that are trying to take the most from their targets. The worst part is that there isn’t any slowing down from this scam. I met a scammer online who told me that he wanted to help me learn Darija. He was trying to scam me in the end, but after getting to know him I found that this person would go into dating sites and message with 1000s of girls in a day, trying to get in contact with them to run the Moroccan romance scam.
Hopefully, none of the women reading this will ever get in contact with him but if you do, use the tips above and you should be able to figure him out or any other scammer. And for the guys, please take my advice. Although you do find good Moroccan women and there are some foreign guys who will take advantage of this, you don’t want to end up heartbroken. The following is an example of someone who was heartbroken. I ended up speaking to this guy and he was really hurt in the worst way. I only wished I could’ve given him this advice before he made his decision. Here is a YouTube video that he created explaining his story.
Have a story to share? Want to talk to people who have gone through these scams? Join my Discord server at https://discord.gg/QC4w5NCtM4
I met a woman from marocco on a dating site and the only reason i think she is a scammer is because of the amout of dowry she asks for.
At first she said 30.000€ then it went down to 20.000€ and after a few days she asked for 10.000€.
The reason she gave me why the amout is so high was: “There are some men of other nationalities who marry, for example, Moroccan women on the basis that when she completes her papers, she will go with him. But he marries her and spends two or three months with her in a hotel or rented apartment, and then he divorces her. This is common here.”
Seems like scam to me. What do u think?
The dowry is definitely too high. Even 10000 is very high. A few years ago my friend told me in Morocco 10000 euro dowry is only given when the woman and man are from wealthy families. Most women are not wealthy. The story of men marrying women and leaving them is not a common thing. I’m sure it does happen but she is telling you as if this is normal and the truth is that it’s very very rare. She sounds like a scammer to me. My advice is to stop all contact with her.
Thank u for ur fast reply.
I also talked to another woman about dowry and she said:
“40000 Moroccan dirhams to more …..( I think it’s 4000$)
It’s depends on how much they agreed between the bride and the bridegroom .” And i told her that another woman asked for 30.000€ and she said: “Oh that’s so much, I think she wrote it wrong or something”
I will definetly cut her out of my life. Thanks for ur advice.
My friend was also saying it depends but typically it’s 10000 to 50000 dirhams. I’m glad you have another friend from Morocco. Whenever you get involved with someone from another culture it’s better to have friends from that culture.
I met a guy named Anas Zemri who was born on 15/07/1997 who resides in 95 Block H Ouled Oujih Kenitra, Morocco through a dating app Muzmatch during 2022. He claimed to fall in love with me and wants to marry me. I went to Morocco end 2022 and we got married at 2023 in my country Singapore. He kept saying he wants to work well and provide when he is in Singapore. From the moment we talked on the app till date, I have always been the one providing him with money, daily expenses, groceries and everything. He started with his sad story on the app and needs money and I fell for his words and transferred money. Although he said he worked freelance and is the boss of the company I was completely blinded to not have seen the truth that it was a lie. He was so lazy to work and would expect money from his mother and beg from other people In his city besides getting from me. Since then, I and family have been transferring and giving money to him and his parents, mother Latifa Fille Dekhlifi Mouhib and father Hassan Fils De Bouhtat. Once married, with everything paid by me and family, he started showing his true colours and would always asked if his LTVP Long Term Visit pass in Singapore is approved yet and I found out that he never had any money. He had debts everywhere with everyone in his country and even the people whom he met in Singapore. He used religion and portrays himself to be pious to everyone and we all fell for it. He didn’t interact well with my son as I am a divorcee previously, and would often complains everyday about my son when no one had any issue. He would often talked bad about everyone except himself. By then, he have leeched out everything with his sad stories and “pious” self from me and family into giving him and his family everything, including money daily to him, money transferred to his family every month, money to his family to move and renovate their house, money for him to buy what he wants, everything. Everyday is all about money going out to him. Soon after, he made a story that he needed to leave Singapore to pay a debt of $1000 he had with Mrs Aisha Al-Dhakkar who lives in a blacksmith department which was due otherwise he would be in prison, and of course me and family helped him with the flight ticket, and even borrowed him the money to repay his debt first and gave some expenses money. I was pregnant by then when he left, and I realised i got romance scammed by him and me and my family have been scammed by him and his family. It is surprising because we didn’t expect it at all as we had pure intentions but we didn’t realised how a family portrayed themselves piously and scammed us. He and his family blocked me on WhatsApp and social media when me and my family have stopped sending money and realised the truth, even after knowing that I am pregnant with his child. I confronted him before he blocked me, asking him to repay my mum the money she borrowed him to pay his debt and the flight money as she used her HAJJ savings money. But he denied and refused. Me and my family have made all other money borrowed to him permissible except the HAJJ savings that was borrowed to him, but despite it all, he ignored. Told him I would want a divorce and he wasn’t hesitant about it and said that I am divorced through WhatsApp. I have then gotten myself a lawyer and we are in the process for a Divorce. While this is all happening, he and his family never asked me about the child that I am pregnant with and I have to go through this all alone after he had scammed me and my family. Found out from my friend, that he was back on Muzmatch to find his next victims, posting the pictures I took of him and everything from head to toe is all bought by me, proving online that he looked rich and he claims that he is business person, never married at all, no children, and we have reported him to Muzmatch with all the proof and documents and he was blocked on the app as he had breached the terms of Muzmatch. We did the same to report him to my government on his entry back and the pass with all the proofs and documents. Soon after, all truth came to me even from his own friends, as he did wrong to them and have also lied and made up bad stories about me and my family which aren’t true and he have also gotten money from them. He now have no friends but who would have know if he were to create more false stories in gaining new friends and victims. This was such a huge mistake I made to have fallen for a romance scam.
I just pray and hope no other girls will cross paths with him on social media or fall for his loving words and trap and “piously self”. His name is Anas Zemri and you can looked up to that on Instagram. Everything he wears, post and resent himself is all bought by me from head to toe including his undergarments as he has no money. He indeed did well in what he planned to do, as afterall everyone fell for him and his “good self”. This is just a short summary of everything. Im glad to be able to share this on this platform with others and felt sad for their stories as well. A true narcissist indeed that I’ve never encountered in my life.
Just do not fall easily. And I learn from my lesson, never give any money no matter what. Love yourself first. Goodluck to all.
Some of your “red flags” point may not always be red flags.
E.g.: no plans: I know a lot of people don’t have plans, or live without plans. Or they just avoid talking about their plans. So I don’t understand why this should be a red flag. No plans just means the person doesn’t have plans, or don’t want to tell their plans.
And I don’t think “keeping it a secret” is a big red flag, as it’s not uncommon to keep such relationships a secret.
The vast majority of scammers will have no plans. When someone in Morocco does not know what they want to do with their life and they get into a relationship with a foreigner, this is a recipe for disaster. I’ve talked to hundreds of women who have been scammed (yes hundreds of women) and all of them have confessed that their scammer either never shared a plan they had or outright had no plans. And unlike what they may say saying they don’t want to marry Moroccans these people who have no plans are never accepted for marriage by moroccan families, which is probably why they say they don’t want Moroccans
How do you find a private investigator to investigate someone in another country?
The guy I’m talking to has asked if I would ever consider moving there. We talk everyday on Whatsapp. I’ve noticed that recently he’s been online and not looking at my messages right away. I wonder if he’s talking to someone else.
I have actually never hired a private investigator. I’ve seen in the past advertisements for private investigators in Morocco but Moroccan friends of mine have told me that these people are running their own scam. The best thing is if you have a friend in Morocco. They would be able to help assess the guy and let you know if he is genuine or not. If you are adament in hiring a private investigator I would suggest talking to one locally and seeing if they would be able to help you investigate the guy in Morocco and if not if they have contacts that can help.
Mine goes by name of the prophet and his surname sounds like a Hammam just with an i at the end. So there you have it. He was in a relationship with me long distance for over 4 years. Asked me to buy him a flat. As a present lol. He’s broken up with me numerous times over the smallest thing ever. Has a nasty habit of name calling. Anyway sometimes it’s not about the money. It’s emotional theft.
Could we create a page with names and pictures of people who scammed us so other people don’t get scammed?
Sounds like a good idea. The issue is I can’t identify these people by name or picture or I can get in trouble.
That’s a brilliant idea
This is a great idea
Wow, am I glad I saw this website. I am here to say that it happens with older men and younger guys as well, through a well known dating app. All the signs were there, but I chose not to see them, thinking I was different. Daily Whatsapp texts, calls, videos every day since my trip to Morocco in Dec/January. Plans to stay with him when I return. I sent him what is to me a small amount of money ($200) as he said he had lost his musician/model gigs and couldn’t pay for rent (fancy Gueliz apartment)–in fact I insisted on sending him money. And then of course he’s posting Insta pics at nightclubs with friends somehow. Increasingly critical of me because I’m not single (but separated), then last night I saw a posting of him skiing wearing $1000 worth of clothes and equipment, and thought well someone’s bankrolling him, and it’s not me. One of the hundred other old white European guys he follows on Insta probably. I’ve deleted WhatsApp and Insta, but ouch do I feel stupid. Age and desperation make it more likely for these things to happen. Heartbroken.
I have seen every red flag here. I am over 50 and met the 34-years-old Moroccan guy in Tanger. I am older than him. He declared his love to me only after one day after we met. We spend two days together in Tanger. After I came back to Germany we keep WhatsApp messages. He bombarded me with his sweet words. He wants marry me a few days later. Yes, he does not want children. He did not want me to send him money. But I paid everything when we were together. His mother is seriously ill. I saw so many red flags. But I have fallen in love with him. I am not sure whether I should go on with him or stop the contact.
Stay away from this classic fraudster <—————> 22/02/86
My husband has just come home after spending one month in agadir with a woman whom he had met online. I got to know they had rented a villa by the beach so that they could stay together as couple. He was in agadir in October last year for one week on his own and now he has spent one month. He told me and the children he was going for a break. Never did I know that I would get to know all about this through a friend. When I questioned him he said he will not continue with her. I have read lot about black magic etc etc on other forums how far this is true??? He has given her expensive gifts and been sending her money.
I had been involved in a relationship with a guy from Marrakech age 36 who would take money from me every month and then avoid me until his money finished and would start being romantic with me again. It took me 3 + yrs to stop this financial abuse as I have now decide to report him as a manipulative fraudulent scammer. I got suspicious when I noticed he posted luxury trips after I sent him money but he proclaimed he was unwell when needing the money to buy medicine.
I have not traveled to Morocco but I did have an encounter with a man from Morocco online named xxxxxxxx. He says he helps run a travel camp where visitors can come. Within two weeks, he was saying I love you and he wanted to marry me. He did talk to me over the phone and video, he is a real person. But then, when I tested to see if he was actually going to follow through on things, I sent him a screen shot of what it would take to visit him with flights. He had a very strange reaction and said, why are you rushing? Even though the flights would have been for almost 7 months out. First red flag. So I said, ok maybe we can be friends for a year. He then accused me of “changing”. He made a lot of comments about me, like how I’m two years older than him and how I’m “old” lol. How I need to change my diet, my dressing style, etc. All great reasons to believe, yeah there’s no way in hell this is real LOL. He knows for my work I do website development, and at one point he is asking me for a travel website. Then I started realizing where this was going. So I said, ok xxxxx you can come visit me here in the US to meet me but I’m not coming to Morocco. This was on a Wednesday. He said, you won’t believe me but the reason why is I need a passport and it will take time. Sure, I thought, wow this is a very intricate romance scam. On Friday of that week, I bring the conversation back up about the passport and I tell him, we both know you’re never going to come. Do you know what this man did? He literally sent me photos of his passport to “prove” me wrong. He didn’t even remember that he told me just two days prior he didn’t have one and that was his excuse. As soon as I copied down his message and showed it two him, he freaked out and went into a tailspin. Now he has blocked me on Skype. I’m satisfied at least that I have his identity now haha! Ladies, watch out. I’m only 34 but apparently that’s still way too old for a Moroccan man. I feel sad mainly b/c he seems like he’s in a desperate situation in poverty with his family, hates his life etc. But he fabricated a lot of lies in only three weeks time. That’s all we communicated for. Please be wary of anyone by this name, if you are looking to travel and stay at camps in Morocco or you encounter him on the dating app Okcupid. He is very charming!!!!! I found his instagram and he follows lots and lots of foreign women.
You can bet he has ofher ladies he was doing the same pattern with. My Moroccan had at one time 5 sending him fund by a W.U. A well know wire transfer. Once I discovered I called the wire companies fraud department. They said he had 3 transfers from 3 different states here in USA. They said one had been sending amounts as little as $23-25. I am sure it was someone of SS benefits. Poor woman. I sent over $4.5 thousand because it was in 3 years. He kept having health issues, his grandmother needed medicine, parents needed to buy a ram for Ramadan and more. His family all would even talk by video too. I was in love with all of them. He kept begging me to move there so once I showed him all my documents to marry and my flight plan he started a big argument and told me not to come. See he only wanted the money to come not me! He was doing this to many women at a time. He had often big brand name clothes but claimed his uncle or brother allowed him to wear them. And like yours he disappeared for days after I sent money. I sent proof to some of the women like in Germany and Spain and they refused to believe me because he told them I was abusing him. Long sad story. They love their homeland and money. They dont want to immigrate and make a living they want to fish for fools like me. Its business. Sit in the cafes all day with friends and show off the old women who they have hooked. Im glad you got free so soon.
Thank you for this website. I was on a dating app and a 32 year old man attempted to do this exact scam on me. Through reading your postings, I was able to see exactly what he was up too. He told me he loved me after a week, then brought up marriage. It’s quite insulting. I am 34. Within three weeks, he was already telling me how to change my dressing style, kept bringing up how old I am. He said he was accepting of “anything”. These men think they are so slick, makes me sick
I met this guy online ( Tagged) his name is Adil Boukili so we exchanged numbers decided to talk on whatsapp after about 2 days he started talking about marriage and wants me to come to his country which is Morocco and he claimed he went to his government and paid 2000 to write me an invitation and i need to go to western union and send him 900 to pay for my hotel stay luckily i am smart i told him i have no money then he said i must send him 200 as he does not have any money to travel home buy water or food and he is hungry after that i cut him off and blocked him
Great job! One of the most important things to remember is never sending money to someone you have never met physically.
What if my relationship with my boyfriend is showing almost all the red flags from above but still believe that he is not a scammer. How can i test him? I met him 5 months ago and soon i will go to meet him in person in Morocco. After i read all the information on this site i feel like i lost trust in everything he says. What should i do?
If you’re seeing all the red flags, you need to be very careful. Please do not send him any money. Some of the questions I would ask are
Do you have any Moroccan friends? Perhaps they can speak with him to get to know him.
When Moroccans are planning on marrying the families meet each other to get to know each other. On top of that, the families will speak with the neighbors and local shop owners to know the true personality of the person. A Moroccan friend could help you with that.
Lastly, take your time with this. If you truly believe he is not a scammer, get to know him and really understand him. For example, if he doesn’t mind being with an older woman. Find out why. Not just him saying young girls are immature but see what makes him attracted to older women. Does he hang around older friends? Does he listen to older music or watch older films, has he ever had a relationship with an older Moroccan woman, does he like older genres? I’m sure you can come up with your own questions for the other red flags. There is no need to rush into anything and if you haven’t sent. money to him then nothing has been lost.
Finally, enjoy your trip to Morocco. It’s a beautiful country and worth the visit.
If you need any other help please reach out to me at the email inquires@mydarijajourney.com.
I have two women friends who’ve been scammed. One actually married him and got him into Europe and helped him get a passport, after which he promptly divorced her and sued her for half her assets
Good afternoon. I am chatting with a Moroccan guy for a month now. The second day already he declares his love which was really awkward and I told him so also. Well we are still chatting. I am from Namibia. What is really strange for me he is always in a coffee shop when we chat because he video call but never with someone I just hear the people in the background. If he is at home in his room it’s mostly dark as if no one must see. I only saw a friend of him once when we talked. Obviously it is better when we chat because than I google translate. He usually video call to watch me. I like to chat because for me he is miles away but what is strange is that it is as if no one must see me because his eyes is forever looking around. And when he goes home there is no contact. That is just making me wonder.
I got scammed horribly. I am a single mother of one child. Divorced and sent over thousands of dollars in a accumulation of one year. One week before me booking my ticket he breaks up with me saying he doesn’t think it will work out. Please don’t be mean as for I once said myself that I would never be a victim of scam. Trust me you will never know. Covid came around and I met this person on a online dating site they truly proved they were real and we would Video call daily and everything. I checked his family and everything but he didn’t care he just took my money because one story after another and some of the money was for us to get him help with visa. Don’t ever be fooled. We are both attractive people too. Same age.
A quick comment – if we know of a scammer, who is affecting many people and who has become a danger to others, who can we contact? It seems no one cares anything about this potentially hazardous practice.
There are a couple of things that can be done to deter the scammer. I’ll be writing a post in the next few days that will list out some of the things you can do. Check out the post https://mydarijajourney.com/dealing-with-a-scammer/
Hi my name is christine I’m form United states America and I have met this guy online we have been talking over a year and hes from morroco and he ask me for money and video calls me and ask me to show my body on video and I sent him a friend request on Facebook he blocked me and I dont here from him for a month and he always coming up with some isscus that hes busy studying and he ask me for money and calls his wife he wants to have a bby with me, he wants me to come visit him in morrocco
I met one marrocan man on the website (redacted)
After talking few weeks with video call he invited me to Marroko als he ask me to bring some documents because he wants to married me but I didn’t take all documents I case I am not interested I will not get married but when I was there he took me right away to all places to arrange this marriage.
We got married in 8 days and we slept 2 days together after I went back to my country.
After months I went back and we traveled to Marrakech and agadir nice time together I came back to my country and after he changed he didn’t want to talk and in the night he was always out the house and was hiding something now I think that time I came back the second time back home he got married to a girl who is a niece of his brother’s wife because when I was there that girl also came to stay for a night with her friend in the house and she was very sad when she saw us together today we are one year married but because of the corona I didn’t want to go back to find out now I am asking for divorce he don’t want to divorce but I want because he change a lot and I spend also lots of money on him I paid all the vacations and brought lots of expensive gift to his family I think he used me and wanted to come to live in my country but I stopped everything procedure that he can get his visa because I don’t trust this people I want to warn woman don’t believe in those man they are cheaters
What was this guys name I’m being said the same thing sounds like the guy that’s doing to me hes from morrocco
I was travelling on my own in Moroccco in the summer of 2018. I met a very charming man called (redacted) in Essaouria in Morocco. (redacted) has a small shop and he and his friends have a very social time. (redacted) is very western for a Moroccan man and it was refreshing after all the attention I got from other Moroccan men. I was a bit stupid but (redacted) had pictures of a german woman on the wall of his shop. He said she was an ex girllfriend. I even checked this out on Facebook and it appeared to be true. One evening things led from one thing to another and we ended up having a very physical affair for a couple of days. When I returned home he sent lots of loving (and sexual) facebook messages. He started to ask for money. They were just small amounts and for very plausible reasons and I had such fond memories of my time there that I paid them. Now I feel a bit silly. I sort of knew at the time that (redacted) had lots of ‘girlfriends’ but I got swept along.
I met a guy from Essaouira too online during the pandemic. Ended up asking for money. Cut him off. I wonder if we are talking about the same guy. He lives in the old city.