Over the past few weeks, I have been speaking with a few Moroccans who let me conduct interviews with them. The original idea was to get tips on how to speak Darija but the interview quickly moved towards life and relationships. Over the next few weeks, I will share these interviews. With each interview with a Moroccan, you will see that each person is different. They range from decent hard-working people all the way down to scammers. I hope that you find each interview with a Moroccan to be informative as I did. One thing that each person ask was that I did not share their names with anyone. This was the only way I could interview them and they would give me genuine answers. So as per their requests, I will not be sharing their identity. I will provide a fake identity for each of them. You will just hear their stories. One last thing. Some of the people’s English was really limited. Some of the answers will be paraphrased by me just to make them clear.
Interview with a Moroccan

Interviewee: Mr. X
City of residence: Marrakech, Morocco
Tell me about yourself?
My name is Mr. X. I am from Marrakech. I am 29 years old. I have lived in Morocco all of my life.
What do you for work?
I work with creating businesses (He told me he works in “business”, so I assumed he meant creating businesses). Over here in Morocco, life is difficult. We try to make businesses but we cannot because we do not have the money.
Where did you study?
I studied at the university. I studied business.
What kind of hobbies do you have?
No hobbies really. I just pass time with my friends and I try to speak with girls. Hehe.
So have you met any interesting girls?
I meet, a lot of girls. Hehe. Mostly with messages. Sometimes they come to see me. We have fun when they come.
Where do you meet these girls?
I meet them online. Sometimes Facebook sometimes other sites. I make requests, they accept and we begin to speak.
How are able to meet so many girls? When I was single I tried to meet girls online too and most girls would ignore my requests
Yes, this is a problem when you try to meet girls. Most girls will not speak with you. You have to speak with a lot of girls. I try to make requests with 500 girls every day.
Wow, 500 girls every day! How do you keep track of all these girls?
Hehe. Not all girls accept my requests. Maybe I will have 5 girls that accept my request.
With these girls you meet online, are you looking for love or marriage?
For marriage, yes. I would like to be married so I can leave Morocco and have a good life. I don’t care about love. I just care about marriage to leave Morocco.
When you speak to these girls and tell them you don’t care about love, they still want to marry you?
Hehe. Of course, I don’t speak about this with girls. I tell them I love them and I want to have a good life with them. If their age is big, I tell them I don’t care about children. If they are not Muslim, I tell them I don’t care about religion. In reality, I want children and I want them to be Muslim.
What will happen if you marry a non-muslim and they cannot give you a child?
If they cannot give me a child, then I will divorce them when I go to their country. It’s no problem for me.
Why is it so important to leave Morocco?
Brother, I told you the life is difficult in Morocco. There is no work here. There is no money here to make a business. If I live in America or Europe, the work is easy to find and the money is bzaf (a lot).
If the girls do not want to marry you. Do you stop speaking to them?
If they do not want marriage, it’s no problem. I still speak with them. I still tell them I love them. I invite them to come we have nice time together and they leave.
How long do these relationships last?
Some girls speak with me few months. Some girls will speak with me few years. If they speak with me more than few months, I normally ask them for money. To help me to start a business. If they don’t want to give money. I will stop to speak to them and speak with other girls.
Why do you ask them for money?
If they don’t want to marriage then I will stay in Morocco. I need money. If they want to speak with me for long time then we have a relationship. In a relationship we have to help each other. If they don’t want to help me then this is not a good relationship. I must not stay with girls if they want me to suffer.
Do you ever feel guilty to take money from these women who care about you?
The money they give me is small money for them. They live in a rich country. They will work and get more money.
Why don’t you try to marry a Moroccan?
The problem is Moroccan girls they want you to have house. They want you to have a big business. They want a lot of things. Most Moroccan girls, they marry old men because the old men have homes and money. This is why I must choose other girls.
Why do you think these women want a relationship with you and are willing to send you money?
I think these women had bad experience with relationships. Maybe they have a bad divorce, maybe they have relationship for long time and now the relationship finish. They don’t have a good feeling about themselves. When I contact them. I speak lovely to them. I think maybe they don’t hear this for a long time. My speaking gives them a good feeling. They want to keep this feeling. They come to Morocco. I take them a lot of place. I give them romantic time. Hehe. When they have this feeling, I know they will give marriage or money. They don’t care about anything. They just want this feeling.
Do you know anyone else who is speaking to foreign girls for marriage or money?
All of my friends. Hehe. It’s normal here to speak to girls from other countries. We want easy life like other people. We look at Facebook and Instagram and see the other Moroccans. They live nice life. You see they travel to nice place. You see them shop nice things. They drive nice car. Here in Morocco, it’s difficult to have nice life. We suffer a lot. When I meet my friends, we speak about life in other countries like dream. We want this dream life.
The interviewee stopped the interview and then went on trying to persuade me to give him some money so that he could open up a business. Having only met this person online I told him no. Once he knew he was not getting any money he wanted to stop talking to me.
Final analysis of interview with a Moroccan
In my interview with a Moroccan, I try to be as unbiased as possible and save any judgment until after the interview. I originally spoke with him to try to get tips on how to better learn Darija. He knew this but the conversation quickly shifted towards relationships. I found that he uses women, to either move to another country or to get money. His excuse is that he is poor and there are no jobs, but I found it strange that he had time to try to connect with 500 girls every day and chat with several girls at the same time. In Morocco, the majority of people chat with their phones and they have to buy credit charges on their phone card which can get expensive if you are chatting with several people and trying to friend request. I also found it strange that he brushed over his education and work fairly quickly. To me, it seemed that he made up some answers. The person was more open to me because I was a man and I promised to keep his identity private.
Verdict: Scammer
Let’s look at some of the red flags I saw with my interview with a Moroccan that his victims should have seen.

- Brushing through work and education – Scammers are typically not educated or working. After all, they would rather spend their time scamming. This is the reason they don’t have much to say
- Declaring love – When a person is declaring their love to you through text before you even meet them, this is often a recipe for disaster. I do believe people can fall in love quickly but they should be together. Falling in love with texts is something I would be suspicious of.
- Asking for money – I’ve mentioned, never give money to someone you never met. This scammer actually waits a few months, in that time he may have already met you. If this is your situation, I’ll provide this bit of knowledge. In Moroccan culture, it is the man’s responsibility to take care of his partner.
- Claiming they don’t want babies – I have not met every Moroccan in the world but every Moroccan I have met wants kids.
The next post’s interview with a Moroccan will be with a Moroccan who is living in America.
Please make a facebook site with this information. I was scammed for 3 years and they man was so clever he only actually asked for money a few times. The rest was him constantly complaining in every chance he had including implying heavily on no $ no net no messaging again, no $ for replacing broken phone no messaging again, etc. Once I secured all documents to marry him and only needed to buy the flight tickets he blocked me in every media! I contacted Western Union Fraud Dept. and gave my story and receipts for 3 years of money transfers and texts he sent to me, he was blocked for life. He discovered when one of his other women tried sending money and it returned to her and he got the notice at the transfer office. He opened a media account and asked me if it was me who did this to him. Clue more than I was sending him money and upset with him! He is very clever in manipulation and this interviewee said everything I found out the hard way. Please share this on social medias! So many people are abused by these people and the fact that it is common is outrageous! There is no place to contact in Morocco to file a complaint if one does not travel there! This has destroyed me in so many ways!