In arabic there is not an equivalent for the letter G. The closest letter that resembles G is more of a sound that comes from your throat, which is symbolized (Gh). I didn’t think there was a G vs Gh discussion that would need to be made. For the longest time, In my journey, I just assumed that this letter or sound does not exist just like other letters in English. Then I came to Morocco and saw this .

I had no idea what this was. At first, I thought it represented the letter ‘K’. I soon found out that this is not the case, the letter represents the letter ‘G’. As I mentioned Arabic does not have an equivalent to ‘G’ so I assumed in Morocco I would not see any words with the ‘G’ sound. However, I have now come to learn that Darija does have this letter. The interesting thing about this letter is that it used interchangeably with the Darija letter k This means words with spelled with k can be pronounced with ‘G’. This is not the same with the ‘Gh’ letter which is not used interchangeably with other letters. I find myself still using the k sound and just using the ‘G’ sound for things like cities or names. I guess instead of G vs Gh the post should called G vs K.

Word List

Tlsh Freezing
3dhima Great
An nisba miawiyya Percent
Bar9 Lightning
Skhoan Hot
Mushmis Sunny
T9aid Retire
Fash When
Shra Purchased
Visa Passport

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