Music Series – Mi Amor, Nouamane Belaiachi

I wanted to share some of the articles that are posted in the members section. For this article I will be posting from the Music Series. In case you are wondering, the music series is where I take a popular Moroccan song and translate the lyrics. The idea is by listening to popular Moroccan songs, …

Interview with a Moroccan Professional

The last few interviews I conducted have been with Moroccans have been with men who are married with non-Moroccan women. I completed one last interview and I chose someone who was going to be married to a Moroccan. I did this because I wanted to show a contrast between the different Moroccans. I wanted to …

Interview with an older Moroccan

Last week I interviewed a Moroccan living in America. Shortly after the interview, a friend of the man I was interviewing arrived. Just like his friend, he was also a Moroccan living in America. The difference was that he was an older man. I wouldn’t call him an elderly man but you could tell he …

Interview with a Moroccan American

Last week I posted an article about an interview with a Moroccan man. Through a series of questions we were able to see that the man was a scammer. He was basically looking for women to either help him to leave the country or provide him with money. His intentions were clear. I was fortunate …

Interview with a Moroccan 1

Over the past few weeks, I have been speaking with a few Moroccans who let me conduct interviews with them. The original idea was to get tips on how to speak Darija but the interview quickly moved towards life and relationships. Over the next few weeks, I will share these interviews. With each interview with …

Dealing with a scammer

I’ve seen a few comments over the past few months when it comes to dealing with a scammer. More specifically it seems a lot of people seem to be caught up with the romance scam in Morocco. For those of you who haven’t read my article on avoiding the scammers should check it out here. …

The importance of a tutor

When I started learning Moroccan Arabic, I was studying everything on my own. All the resources I found were on the internet and I had literally no interaction with anyone. I did get a basic understanding of the language and was able to say simple sentences but if I ever had a chance to speak …

My Favorite restaurants in Marrakesh

I consider myself a healthy person. I don’t really eat fast food regularly. I usually save my fast food indulges for a Friday afternoon/evening. Even when I’m on vacation I try to keep a healthy diet and only eat out a few times a week depending on my situation. Nonetheless, when I do eat out, …

Different types of Black Tea

Black tea is the most fermented, or oxidized, of all teas giving it a stronger flavor and caffeine content. Black tea is typically made from the camellia Sinensis (shrub) and the larger leafed camellia Sinesis ‘Assamica’ tea plants. In China and Japan black tea is known as “Crimson Tea” (hóngchá); probably a more accurate description …