Last week I interviewed a Moroccan living in America. Shortly after the interview, a friend of the man I was interviewing arrived. Just like his friend, he was also a Moroccan living in America. The difference was that he was an older man. I wouldn’t call him an elderly man but you could tell he was older. He agreed to be interviewed by me. As a disclaimer, I did the interview with him and his friend sitting close by. Some of the answers given may not be genuine as his friend was laughing and it seemed to me that as he continued he tried to answer in a way that kept his friend laughing. Still I think this interview will still be beneficial.
Interview with a Moroccan

Interviewee: Mr. Z
City of residence: Orlando, Florida
So how do you know Mr. Y?
His wife and my ex wife are friends. When he came last year, we went to visit him. As a Moroccan, I had to show him around. You know America is very different from Morocco. Normally in Morocco friends, they pass time in cafe’s. We would stay until late in the night. Here they don’t have a lot of cafes. We have to find and pass time at these Sheesha (Hookah) cafes.
So where are from originally (in Morocco)?
I’m from a small city close to Tanjier (he never got around to telling me the name of the city). I haven’t been home since my parents died 15 years ago.
So you haven’t been to Morocco in 15 years?
No no no. I was in Morocco last year. I just didn’t visit my home city since my parents died. I visited my brother and my sister but they both live in Casablanca now. I only stayed 1 week and had some business to take care of so I had no time to visit my home city.
How long have you been in America?
I have been in America for 20 years. I came when my first wife sponsored me. Immediately this woman starts fighting me to start working. When I came I barely knew English or anything about America. She give me such a hard time. After 10 years of this, I left her fat a$$. I then marry another white woman. This one was not so fat but she don’t like me to go out alone (at night). Every time I go out she would fight with me all night. I try to stay with her 5 years. After I just leave her. I don’t need this problems in my life. I try with another woman after (a) few years but same problem with these women. I leave her maybe 2 months after I meet Mr. Y. These women, they want to marry you and have you work and give them all the money and then keep you in the home. They want you like a prisoner. I don’t put up with that s#!t.
So I guess your done with marriage?
No of course not. The problem was that I try with these American women. They don’t have good values. They want to keep you like prisoner. And most of them is fat. I tell you before I had business in Morocco. The business was to find a wife in Morocco. I go to the girls family to discuss marriage. We will marry soon.
Where did you meet this Moroccan girl?
I meet her in Morocco. (His friend started laughing)
I mean did you meet her on Facebook or some other site?
No. I didn’t use any of that to meet her. With the other women. Yes I use these websites. For Moroccan girls, it’s normal for us to go to meet the family. Even speak with the neighbors local store owners. We try to learn about everything about the family and the girl before we choose to marry. You can’t know somebody from a website.
So why did you choose to marry a Moroccan?
The problem with American girls is that the beautiful ones, they will only choose rich men. This leave you with the old ugly women and I marry three of them. These women will give you a bad life. With a Moroccan girl, you can choose a young beautiful girl. And with Moroccan girls, they will not give you problems with going out in the night or not working. Believe me Bro, don’t chase these American girls go for a Moroccan girl.
I’m curious, why did you choose to marry these American girls?
I needed to leave Morocco. You see, the life is difficult (in Morocco). I did not want to live in Morocco all my life. I decide to try to find girls on the websites. When I first start to look for girls, I have to use chat rooms. Then when you get some girls you speak only with email. I did this at a wifi cafe. This was the only way you can use the internet. I had to travel to another city to go to a wifi cafe and these cafes was so busy. Now you young guys have it easy. You do everything with your phone. You talk, you video, you even have relation with girls with phone (he actually said this in a more crude way which I don’t want to articulate). It’s very easy now to find girls.
What do the women think about you marrying them to leave Morocco?
Who cares. These women should know I am speaking with them to leave Morocco. My first wife try to give some problem (with immigration) when I leave her. She told me that I make excuses to leave her but I told her I want an easy life in America. I will not have this with her so I leave. The women should know Moroccans want to leave Morocco that is why they speak (with American women).
So are you planning to sponsor your wife to come to America or will you return to Morocco?
I don’t know yet. I don’t know if I want to stay here (in America) or go back to Morocco. I have some more years before I can retire but the pension I will have will be enough for me to live in Morocco. Maybe I will stay a few more years in America and then I will return to Morocco.
Final analysis
The interview with an older Moroccan spiraled out of control after my last question. The man I was interviewing started making jokes and his friend kept laughing. At this point he wasn’t answering anymore questions. So I stopped asking and let him continue talking. In my interview with an older Moroccan, I found this man to sort of act like he knew everything about American and American women. I didn’t really like his jokes as he seemed to generalize everything about women. He seemed to not care of the consequences of his actions. I’ve seen this behavior in younger guys but this was the very first time I saw this in an older man. He never really told me his age but I assumed he was in his early to mid fifties. Overall I found him to be a scammer. It was pretty obvious but we can look at some of the red flags.
Verdict: Scammer
Like I mentioned, it was obvious that this man was a scammer. He basically admitted that he found women online to marry them and immigrate to America. Even though, it was obvious, let’s look at the red flags that his victims should have seen.

- Age difference – Mr. Z said that his 3 wives were all older than him. He then said that he was marrying a Moroccan girl that was younger than him. From the interview you could tell that he only married the older women for personal gain. Even without knowing that he would marry a Moroccan girl, knowing that he showed interest in an older woman was a red flag.
- No responsibility – From his story, he seemed to not care about work. I felt that he thought that his wife would take care of him when he arrived to America. To his credit, it seemed like he was working now that he was single. I think that his ex wives should have spoken to him about his work ambitions before making a commitment towards marriage.
- Multiple divorces – The first wife would be off the hook on this one but his other wives should have seen his divorces as a red flag. Normally in a divorce, it’s usually an issue with both partners but then when you have multiple divorces, you really have to wonder if something is wrong with that person. Also why go through so many divorces and still want to marry?
Mr. Z was an interesting person to interview to say the least. I don’t know why he kept going through different marriages. From his personality I assumed he married other women because he wanted to leech off these other women or he wanted to avoid any immigration problems. He never really told me his reasons to remarry any assumption on my part is just an assumption and nothing else. I am interested in knowing whether his marriage with his Moroccan bride will work out.
The next interview will be with a professional Moroccan living in Morocco.