I mentioned in a previous post that I would most likely be writing another article mentioning more Darija common phrases. After browsing over 117 Darija common phrases I have encountered (so far), I think that I may need to post recurring Darija common phrases articles just to keep up. We will see how it goes. For now I think I will post maybe on a weekly basis until all the phrases are listed.
Learning the Darija common phrases are so important to be able to have a conversation. You may learn thousands of words but a lot of phrases have a completely different meaning. When you go through the list check out the literal meaning and Literal meaning column. You will see how some phrases have a completely different meaning from the literal meaning. Learning just vocabulary will not teach you this.
Phrase | Meaning | Literal meaning |
sme7 li | excuse me (m) | |
labas | how are you?/i’m fine | is there no trouble/there is no trouble |
kif halek | how are you | how is your condition (this is more or less a general phrase all arabs have in their dialects, however I have never heard any arabs use this in informal conversation) |
labas barak allahu fik | i’m fine thank you | there is no trouble may the blessings of Allah(god) be on you (This is the best response to “labas?” you can give someone) |
kulshi bkhayr | is everything ok | is everything good |
bkyhayr lhamdu lillah | everything is good | good praise be to Allah(god) |
ash khbarek | what’s happening | what is your news |
l3a’ila labas | how is your family | the family, is there no trouble? |
m3a salama | goodbye | with peace |
Allah yheneek | goodbye | may Allah(god) give you tranquility |