The importance of a tutor

When I started learning Moroccan Arabic, I was studying everything on my own. All the resources I found were on the internet and I had literally no interaction with anyone. I did get a basic understanding of the language and was able to say simple sentences but if I ever had a chance to speak …

My Favorite restaurants in Marrakesh

I consider myself a healthy person. I don’t really eat fast food regularly. I usually save my fast food indulges for a Friday afternoon/evening. Even when I’m on vacation I try to keep a healthy diet and only eat out a few times a week depending on my situation. Nonetheless, when I do eat out, …

Different types of Black Tea

Black tea is the most fermented, or oxidized, of all teas giving it a stronger flavor and caffeine content. Black tea is typically made from the camellia Sinensis (shrub) and the larger leafed camellia Sinesis ‘Assamica’ tea plants. In China and Japan black tea is known as “Crimson Tea” (hóngchá); probably a more accurate description …

Different types of Green Tea

Green tea has been one of those teas that seem to solve all kinds of problems. Since I was a child, people have claimed all kinds of benefits to green tea. From losing weight to fighting off cancer the benefits almost seem like an urban legend. Interestingly, most of the benefits people claim about Green …

Polyamorous relationships in Morocco

Imagine, being in a relationship with more than one person at the same time. I’m not talking about cheating on someone. I’m talking about a relationship where having another partner is known and understood. Where you are able to acquire another partner and that you will be treated exactly like the previous partner. This is …

How I lost weight in Morocco

Imagine going on vacation, and when you come back home you actually lost weight. What if you ate more food than usual on your vacation and still lost weight? Think this is impossible? Well, it happened to me. While on vacation 3 years ago I lost weight in Morocco. The method I used wasn’t really …

Moroccan Romance Scams

Although Morocco is my favorite country, there are a lot of scams you need to be aware of when you are in the country. I’ve been visiting Morocco for more than 7 years and I have seen a lot of different scams. Today I would like to focus on the Moroccan romance scam. I have …

Daylight Savings

This coming Sunday many of us will be changing our clocks back 1 hour for daylight savings. For many of us, including myself, it means getting another hour of sleep. Although I generally enjoy this extra time, there was a period last year where I didn’t enjoy it at all. Most of you who have …